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- Travel | Stuttgart FAQ
Lojas de roupas e mais One of the best things, if not the very best part of living in Stuttgart, is the easy access to all parts of Europe. My number one piece of advice is to take every opportunity you have to travel. Transportation Options & Destinations Airports Whether you are flying out of Stuttgart or one of the nearby airports, there are many low-cost options. Airports Trains&Busses Traveling by train is easy & relaxing and sometimes faster. The earlier you book train tickets, the cheaper they will be. Trains Destinations From sea to city breaks, read more on our favorite places to visit with great trips and tricks to make your vacation memorable. Destinations
- Personal Care | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page Cosmetics Body & Skin Care Drugstores Translations Personal Care 1 Personal Care 2 Personal Care 3 Personal Care 4 Lojas de cuidados pessoais e cosméticos Cosmetics Este site contém links para sites afiliados e recebemos uma comissão de afiliado por todas as compras feitas por você no site afiliado usando esses links. Cosmetic Stores Store Accepts VAT Forms M•A•C is the world's leading professional makeup brand with unrivaled expertise in makeup. Join the free M•A•C Lovers Loyalty program to receive excellent benefits: 10% off your first order, a free virtual makeup consultation, recycle your old M•A•C cosmetic packaging and receive a gift and much more. DOUGLAS is Europe's leading premium beauty retailer offering high-quality beauty and lifestyle products. Join the free My Douglas Loyalty program to receive discounts, beauty tips, and more. L'Occitane en Provence has been offering beauty products and sensual fragrances of the highest quality for over 40 years. Join the free loyalty program receive savings on your favorite products, birthday gift vouchers, and more. The Stuttgart branch Talea located in das Gerber offers a wide range of products in the field of natural cosmetics & wellness. Also, you can look forward to personal and individual advice and excellent service for you as a nature-conscious customer. Kiko Milano an Italian manufacturer of professional cosmetics offers a wide range of innovative make-up, face, and body care products. Join the free Kiko Kisses Loyalty program to receive discounts, free shipping, and more. Sephora offers various brands, from the most classic to the most original and from the rarest to the most famous. Join the free Sephora Unlimited loyalty program for 10% off your favorite brand, collect points for more savings and more. GT World offers a vast range of exclusive, international Afro-American products. GT world is your one-stop for make-up, hair and skin care products, wigs, and extensions. Body & Skin Care Body & Skin Care Product Stores A bath, body, skin, and haircare company devoted to creating fresh, ethically sourced, cruelty-free, vegetarian, handmade, low-waste, and effective products. Rituals offer body, hair, and skincare products inspired by the wisdom and ancient traditions of Asian cultures, luxurious yet affordable products for home and body. Join the free My Rituals loyalty program and receive a free welcome gift, free shipping, and much more. The Body Shop offers ethically made cosmetics inspired by nature. All products are made with the highest quality ingredients sourced from all over the world. Join the free Love Your Body Club to receive rewards, discounts, and more. Drug Stores Store Accepts VAT Forms dm offers face and body care, cosmetics and fragrances, health and natural food, baby products, household, photo, hygiene articles, and pet food. Müller offers a large selection of products from perfumery, drugstore, essential oils, supplements, toys, multimedia, books, household electronics, stockings and handicrafts, and much more. ROSSMANN offers the regular drugstore assortment with a focus on skin and body care, food and luxury goods, baby, detergents, cleaning and cleaning agents, and hair care. ROSSMANN also offers photo services and free carpet cleaner rental. Drugstores Traduções inglês Partes do corpo Corpo Pele Cabeça Cabelo Cara Testa Olho Sobrancelha Pálpebra Cílio Bochecha Nariz Orelha Poro Barba Bigode Boca Língua dente Lábio Queixo Pescoço Peito Abdômen Braços Mão Dedo Unha Cutícula Perna Joelho Pé Salto Dedo do pé Vagina Pênis Ânus Alemão* Körperteile Körper Haut Kopf Haare Gesicht Mexa Auge Augenbraue Augenlid Wimper Wange Nase Ohr Poro Bart Schnurrbart Mund Zunge Zahn Lippe Kinn Hals Brust Bauch Braço Mão Dedo Nagel Nagelhaut Bein Knie Discutir Ferse Zeh Scheide Glied Após Fórmula para bebês Lenço umedecido Barrette Secador de cabelo Corar Banho de espuma Cuidado / higiene Colônia Pentear Corretivo Condicionador Correção Chapinha Cuidado dental Fio dental Desodorante Fralda Pele seca Tonalidade da sobrancelha Lápis delineador Delineador Sombra Cílios postiços Ferro de passar Fundação Escova de cabelo Tintura para cabelo Gel de cabelo Spray de cabelo Laço de cabelo Desinfetante para as mãos Brilho labial Batom Loção Maquiagem Removedor de maquiagem Rímel hortelã Hidratante Bochechos Corta unhas Lima de unha Lixador de unha Removedor de esmalte Pele normal Pele oleosa Higiene oral Maxi Pad Forro de calcinha Perfume Em pó Primer Lâmina de barbear Sândalo Xampu Creme de barbear Gel de banho Tipo de pele Sabão Protetor solar Tampão Papel higiênico Escova de dente Pasta de dentes Milchnahrung Feuchttuch Haarspange Föhnen Rouge Schaumbad Pflege Água-de-colônia Kamm Corretivo Pflegespülung Korrektur Lockenstab Zahnpflege Zahnseide Desodorante Windel trockene Haut Augenbrauenfärben Kajalstift Delineador Lidschatten falsche Wimpern Haarglätter Grundierung Bürste Haarfärbemittel Haargel Haarspray Haargummi Händedesinfektionsgel Brilho labial Lippenstift Loção Maquiagem Make-up-Entferner Wimperntusche Minze Feuchtigkeitscreme Mundspülung Nagelknipser Nagelfeile Nagellack Nagellackentferner normale Haut ölige Haut Mundpflege Damenbinde Slipeinlage Parfüm Puder Grundierung Rasierklinge Sandelholz Xampu Rasierschaum Duschgel Hauttyp Seife Sonnenschutzcreme Tampão Toilettenpapier Zahnbürste Zahnpasta Aromaterapia Óleos essenciais Eucalipto Incenso Toranja Jasmim Lavanda Limão Capim-limão laranja Hortelã-pimenta Sândalo Óleo da árvore do chá Baunilha Aromatherapie ätherische Öle Eukalyptus Weihrauch Toranja Jasmim Lavendel Zitrone Zitronengras laranja Pfefferminze Sandelholz Teebaumöl Vanille Cores Preto Azul Castanho cinza Verde laranja Cor de rosa Roxo vermelho Branco Amarelo Farbe Schwarz blau braun grau Grün laranja rosa lila podridão weiß gelb * A cor do texto indica o gênero do artigo der die das die More Shopping Translations
- About | Stuttgart FAQ
Sobre nós Começamos este blog para ajudar outras pessoas a navegar morando em Stuttgart. Queríamos um site que compilasse todas as informações que pesquisamos antes de mudarmos e depois de chegarmos. Um local de visita rápido com respostas às perguntas mais frequentes em muitos dos grupos de Estugarda. Mission Provide clear and actionable answers to vital questions from persons living abroad to ease their day-to-day frustrations and lead them to a more enjoyable and adventurous experience. Philosophy and Values "Knowledge leads to courage" Collaboration. We encourage and provide learning opportunities to engage with locals to build relationships. Unity. We are strongest when we all work together and provide mutual support. Committed. We are committed to helping our visitors love where they live and only employ those committed to sharing their love for a place with others. We are committed to keeping up with the new and changing information relevant to our sites. Passionate. We are passionate about learning and improvement. Encouragement. We inspire and support adventure and exploration.. Policies
- Shopping | Stuttgart FAQ
SHOPPING Grocery Shopping Are you looking for all the information you need to make grocery shopping in Stuttgart a breeze? We have you covered. Our page has everything from helpful tips to customer reward cards, stores, the most comprehensive food translation guide, and more. Check out Stuttgart FAQ for more information on grocery shopping in Stuttgart. Go to Grocery Clothing & Shoes Are you looking for the perfect clothing and shoe stores in Stuttgart for any occasion? We have you covered. Our page has a comprehensive list of stores for all your needs, plus helpful sizing conversion guides. Also, check out Stuttgart FAQ for all the help you need to make your shopping experience in Stuttgart enjoyable. Go to Clothing & Shoes Gifts Are you looking for the perfect gift in Stuttgart? We have you covered! Our page has excellent ideas for everyone on your list, from German foods and handmade items to Stuttgart-branded items and care package ideas. Check out our gift page for more information on finding the perfect gift in Stuttgart. Go to Gifts Personal Care Are you looking for personal care stores in Stuttgart? Look no further! Stuttgart FAQ has compiled a list to help get you started. From drug stores to beauty stores, we have all the information you need to find what you're looking for. Check out our page for more information on personal care stores in Stuttgart. Go to Personal Care Furniture Stores Need to furnish your new home in Stuttgart? Let us help you navigate the new and used furniture stores. From sofas and beds to kitchen tables and chairs, we have all the information you need to find the perfect pieces for your home. Check out the furniture store page for more information on new and used stores in Stuttgart. Go to Furniture Hardware Stores Are you a DIY-er looking for hardware stores in Stuttgart? We've got you covered! Our page has a comprehensive list of stores for all your needs, plus helpful tips and translations. Check out our Hardware page to make your hardware shopping experience in Stuttgart enjoyable. Go to Hardware
- Kitchen and Appliances | Stuttgart FAQ
Lojas de móveis OTTO offers you a wide selection of products - from multimedia & household electronics to fashion & lingerie for women, men, and children to furniture, home accessories, and hardware store items. MFO's motto is, "sleep better cheaply." MFO offers mattresses for every budget. MFO also offers slatted frames, pillows, bed linen - in short, everything you need for a good night's sleep. MFO sets itself apart from other stores by offering king-size mattresses. E+H MEYER is an owner-managed company, offering unique furniture home accessories at fair prices for over 60 years in Stuttgart. JYSK offers high-quality Scandanavian furniture at good prices. All their gold mattresses come with a 25-year warranty. Möbel AS offers its customers a wide range from all living areas at extremely reasonable prices. ROLLER prides itself on offering "clever furnishing," so you can furnish your house with great things on a small budget. For over 125 years Hofmeister has been offering stylish furniture and home accessories. Hofmeister provides a large selection of furniture from well-known manufacturers as well as Hofmeister's own brands with different furniture styles with a good price-quality ratio. Petra Home Collection features furniture and decor for every room in your home. Petra provides fully customizable solid wood furniture made in Europe from sustainable resources and quality upholstery from the finest fabrics and textiles. Price-conscious customers will find a comprehensive range of furniture, kitchens, housewares, home textiles, paints, wallpapers, carpets, electrical goods, and more at Poco. XXXLutz offers furniture and home accessories in a wide variety of styles, materials, and price ranges. XXXLutz focuses on customer satisfaction and is dedicated to offering all products related to living at the best price and the best quality. IKEA furniture and home accessories are practical, well designed, and affordable. IKEA is an excellent choice for those who often move with over 400 stores in 63 different countries. You can always find that matching piece of furniture or a replacement dish. Join the free Ikea Family program to receive exclusive advantages, product replacement if damaged during transport or assembly, a free hot drink, workshops, discounts, digital receipts, and more. New Furniture This site contains links to affiliate websites, and we receive an affiliate commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such links. Pre-Owned Furniture Pre-Owned Furniture Bookoo is a website selling items locally, a free place to buy and sell stuff from your neighbors, similar to Craigslist, and is primarily Americans on the site. No shipping, no fees, no difficulties. Caritas sells all types of donated furniture so you can set yourself up completely in your new home. Accepts donations You can find good deals for pre-loved furniture and household accessories on eBay Kleinanzeingen. This site is only local people selling. There is no bidding; prices are set. The Femos-Möbelhalle in Böblingen-Hulb offers second-hand and new furniture.Purchase inexpensive furniture and furnishings while reducing the amount of bulky waste in an ecologically sensible way. Accepts donations with pick-up service Nimm's mit beim Schmidt sells used and floor model furniture from modern to antiques at great prices. Translations Translations Rooms in the Home English Attic Balcony Basement Bathroom Bedroom Cellar Child's B edroom Dining Room Garden Hall Kitchen Living Room Office Room Study Terrace German* Dachboden Balkon Souterrain Badezimmer Schlafzimmer Keller Kinderzimmer Esszimmer Garten Flur Küche Wohnzimmer Büro Zimmer Arbeitszimmer Terrasse Furnishings English Air Mattress Armchair Bed Blanket Cabinet Carpet Chair Changing Table Chest of Drawers Clock Coat Rack Coffee Table Couch Crib Curtain Desk Dining Table Dresser Furniture Highchair Lamp Light Lounge Chair Mattress Mirror Night Stand Ottoman Outdoor Furniture Picture Picture Frame Piece of Furniture Pillow Pillowcase Reclining Chair Rocking Chair Sheets Shelf Shoe Storage Side Table Sofa Sofa Bed Sun Lounger Table Towel Wardrobe German* Luftmatratze -n Sessel -s Bett -en Decke -n Schrank -äe Teppich -s Stuhl -üe Wickeltisch -e Kommode - Uhr -en Kleiderablage - Couchtisch - Couch -es Babybett -en Vorhang -äe / Gardine -n Schreibtisch -e Esstishch -e Kommode - Möbel Hochstuhl -üe Lampe -n Licht -s Klubsessel -s Matratze -n Spiegel -s Nachttisch -e Fußhocker -s Gartenmöbel Bild -er Bildrrahmen -s Möbelstück Kissen -s Kopfkissenbezug -üe Ruhesessel -s Schaukelstuhl -üe Bettlaken Regal -e Schuhaufbewahrung -en Beistelltisch -e Sofa -s Schlafcouch -es Sonnenliege Tisch -e Handtuch -üer Kleiderschrank -äe Materials English Cotton Down Fabric Faux Leather Glass Leather Metal Plastic Suede Upholstered Wood German* Baumwolle -n Daune Stoff -e Kunstleder -s Glas -äer Leder -s Metall -e Kunstoff -e Veloursleder -s gepolstert Holz -öer Colors English Black Blue Brown Gold Gray Green Orange Pink Purple Red Silver White Yellow German schwarz blau braun Gold grau grün orange rosa lila rot Silber weiß gelb *Text color indicates the article gender der die das die More Shopping Top of Page New Furniture Pre-Owned Furniture Translations Kitchen and Appliances 1 Kitchen and Appliances 2 Kitchen and Appliances 3 Kitchen and Appliances 4
- Hard Water | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page Myths Cleaning Dishwashers Washing Machines Showers Kettles Skin & Hair Care Skin Care Body Scrub Legionella Helpful Products Hard Water 1 Hard Water 2 Hard Water 3 Hard Water 4 Hard Water 5 Hard Water 6 Hard Water 7 Hard Water 8 Hard Water The tap water in Stuttgart is moderately hard due to the calcium level. Hard water leaves a calcium build-up on appliances and can be hard on your skin and hair. Stuttgart's drinking water is rigorously tested, and the city is incredibly proud of its water quality . Hard Water Myths and facts about hard water. View More Skin & Hair Care Tips for keeping your skin and hair healthy in hard water. View More Cleaning Learn the best way to clean your appliances and tips on removing those stubborn water spots. View More Helpful Products Helpful products to help keep your appliances decalcified and you skin and hair healthy. View More Hard Water Myths Myth: Hard water is contaminated. Truth: Hard water contains minerals. Drinking hard water with abundant essential minerals is good for your health. According to the World Health Organization, calcium and magnesium-rich hard water can help protect against heart disease and stroke. Myth: Hard water does not taste good. Truth: Soft water does not taste as good as hard water. Minerals improve the taste of water. Soft water not only doesn't contain minerals, but the softening process can cause the water to taste a bit salty due to the potassium or sodium ions used to eliminate magnesium and calcium. Myth: Soft water gets your body cleaner. Truth: Soft water is a better cleaner for household cleaning and laundry, as it doesn't leave behind the mineral residue that hard water does. When it comes to your body, soft water may not be the superior cleaner. The minerals in hard water give soap something to cling to, so it can quickly rinse away. Myth: Hard water causes kidney stones. Truth: "It can be concluded that there are no scientific arguments not to recommend drinking normal tap water even in so-called "hard" water environments, out of fear that this policy is associated with a higher risk for kidney stones. On the contrary, there is strong scientific evidence that a normal dietary calcium intake, including the calcium provided by tap water, is protective against nephrolithiasis." The impact of tap water on kidney stones. Norbert Lameire, MD, PhD Eme Prof of Medicine and Nephrology University Hospital Ghent, Belgium Hard Water Cleaning The moderate calcium level in Stuttgart's water leaves spots on dishes and build-up in appliances such as the washer, dishwasher, and kettles that continually use water. These appliances need to be descaled. Dishwashers View More Showers View More Washing Machines View More Coffee Pots & Kettles View More Myths Cleaning Dishwashers Adding Salt & Rinse Agent to the Dishwasher Para ajudar a combater manchas em seus copos e talheres, adicione sal à máquina de lavar louça. Sua máquina de lavar louça terá uma unidade de amaciamento na parte inferior para encher com sal especificamente para a máquina de lavar louça. Cleaning the Filter Para ajudar a combater manchas em seus copos e talheres, adicione sal à máquina de lavar louça. Sua máquina de lavar louça terá uma unidade de amaciamento na parte inferior para encher com sal especificamente para a máquina de lavar louça. Washing Machine É melhor descalcificar a máquina de lavar a cada três a seis meses. Descalcificar sua máquina de lavar é fácil usando produtos domésticos comuns ou descalcificador comercial ( Maschine Entklaker ). Defina a temperatura da água para pelo menos 60˚C com qualquer um dos métodos. Como descalcificar com vinagre branco e bicarbonato de sódio 1. Spray the washer drum with white vinegar. Wipe the drum with a microfiber cloth. 2. Wipe around the rubber gaskets on the door. 3. Pour two cups of distilled White Vinegar into the detergent dispenser. 4. Set the washer on the longest cycle at its hottest temperature. 5. Add 1/2 cup baking soda directly into the drum. Rerun the washing machine. 6. Leave the door open to allow the machine to dry. Dishwashers Washing Machines Showers Showers O acúmulo de água dura nas portas de vidro do chuveiro pode ser um pesadelo para limpar. Este limpador caseiro torna o trabalho muito fácil. Magic Shower Cleaner Ingredients: Equal Parts of each Blue Liquid Dish Soap I do not know why the soap being blue makes a difference, but I have tried green, and it does not work as well. Distilled White or Apple Cider Vinegar Directions: Mix ingredients together in a pot, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Let mixture cool. Pour into a spray bottle. Use: Spray on shower doors and tile. Let sit for 15 minutes or longer, depending on the level of build-up. Spray with water and lightly scrub. Magic Cleaner is also great for cleaning burnt-on food off your flat-top stove. Sprinkle a little baking soda on the area that needs to be cleaned, spray with cleaner, cover with a warm, wet towel, and leave for 15 minutes or more. Then, clean off with a damp sponge, lightly scrubbing where needed. Kettles & Coffee Pots Sua cafeteira ou chaleira acumulará cálcio com a água e precisará ser descalcificada. Quando sua chaleira começar a ficar parecida com a que está abaixo, é hora de descalcificar. É fácil descalcificar sua cafeteira ou chaleira com ácido cítrico. Quase todos os descalcificantes comerciais vendidos na Alemanha são ácido cítrico natural. Misture o produto em pó ou líquido com água, agite e deixe por 10 minutos ou mais. Enxágue bem e sua panela estará pronta para ser usada novamente. Homemade Decalcifier for your Kettle or Coffee Pot Ingredients: 1 Lemon-cut into wedges 2 Tablespoons coarse salt 1/2 Cup Ice Cubes Directions: Add all ingredients to your pot, swirl around until calcification is removed, then rinse with water. Skin & Hair Care Hard water can irritate your skin and hair due to the increased calcium and magnesium. Although drinking hard water is good for your body, bathing dries your skin and hair. Skin & Hair Care Tips for keeping your skin and hair healthy in hard water. View More Body Scrub Recipes Make your own body scrub with everyday items. View More Legionella Information about Legionella for those living in base housing. View More Skin & Hair Care Kettles Skin & Hair Care Hard Water makes soap not as effective and doesn't rinse off thoroughly. Hard water can exacerbate existing skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema. Hard water can build up in your hair, making your hair dry and brittle and even causing hair loss. The best thing you can do to combat hard water's effects is to install a filtered shower head. Other things to help your skin and hair survive the effects of hot water is: Lower your shower temperature and duration Using clarifying shampoos Moisturize daily and while the skin is damp Using water-based cleansers and body wash Not using bar soap Use a mild body scrub with oil 2-3 times a week. You can make a body scrub easily. Recipes are below. Skin Care Body Scrub Body Scrub Recipes You will need a mixing bowl, spoon, and a container with a lid to store your body scrub. Brown Sugar Scrub Ingredients: 1/2 cup Brown Sugar 1/2 cup Fine Sea Salt 1/2 cup Oil of Your Choice (Olive/Avocado/Coconut/Jojoba/Almond/Grapeseed) 2-3 drops of Essential Oils (optional) Directions: Combine brown sugar, salt, and oil in a mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly. If needed, add more sugar or oil to get the consistency right. If desired, add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil, and stir it into the mixture. When you’re satisfied with the consistency and fragrance of your scrub, spoon it into a container. Epsom Salt Scrub Ingredients: 1/2 cup Epsom Salt 1/2 cup Fine Sea Salt 1/2 cup Oil of Your Choice (Olive/Avocado/Coconut/Jojoba/Almond/Grapeseed) 1-2 Tablespoons of Dried Herbs or Flowers (Lavender/Mint/Basil/Sage) (optional) 2-3 drops of Essential Oils (optional) Directions: Combine salts and oil in a mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly. If needed, add more sugar or oil to get the consistency right. Finally, fold in the dried herbs. If desired, add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil, and stir it into the mixture. When you’re satisfied with the consistency and fragrance of your scrub, spoon it into a container. Soothing Oatmeal Scrub Ingredients: 1 cup Quick Oats 1/2 cup Brown Sugar 1/2 cup Oil of Your Choice (Olive/Avocado/Coconut/Jojoba/Almond/Grapeseed) 2-3 drops of Essential Oils (optional) Directions: Combine oats, sugar, and oil in a mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly. If needed, add more sugar or oil to get the consistency right. If desired, add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil, and stir it into the mixture. When you’re satisfied with the consistency and fragrance of your scrub, spoon it into a container. Coffee Scrub Ingredients: 1 cup Fine Ground coffee 1/2 cup Fine Salt 1/2 cup Oil of Your Choice (Olive/Avocado/Coconut/Jojoba/Almond/Grapeseed) 2-3 drops of Essential Oils (optional) Directions: Combine coffee, salt, and oil in a mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly. If needed, add more sugar or oil to get the consistency right. If desired, add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil, and stir it into the mixture. When you’re satisfied with the consistency and fragrance of your scrub, spoon it into a container. Legionella Legionella Legionella bacteria are found naturally in freshwater environments, like lakes and streams. The bacteria can become a health concern when they grow and spread in human-made building water systems like Showerheads and sink faucets Cooling towers (structures that contain water and a fan as part of centralized air cooling systems for buildings or industrial processes) Hot tubs Decorative fountains and water features Hot water tanks and heaters Large, complex plumbing systems After Legionella grows and multiplies in a building water system, water containing Legionella can spread in droplets tiny enough for people to breathe in. People can get Legionnaires’ disease or Pontiac fever when they breathe in small droplets of water in the air that contains the bacteria. Less commonly, people can get sick by aspiration of drinking water containing Legionella. This happens when water accidentally goes into the lungs while drinking. People at increased risk of aspiration include those with swallowing difficulties. People do not generally spread Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever to other people. However, this may be possible under rare circumstances. Most healthy people exposed to Legionella do not get sick. People at increased risk of getting sick are: People 50 years or older Current or former smokers People with chronic lung disease (like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or emphysema) People with weak immune systems or who take drugs that weaken the immune system (like after a transplant operation or chemotherapy) People with cancer People with underlying illnesses such as diabetes, kidney failure, or liver failure Courtesy of the CDC Se você mora em uma casa baixa, eu recomendo comprar este filtro para o seu chuveiro. Este filtro é um dos poucos que filtra bactérias, incluindo Legionella. A base tem um sistema de água fechado e a água testou positivo várias vezes para Legionella. Eles testam a água com frequência e, se o teste for positivo, eles empregam todas as estratégias de mitigação para garantir a segurança da água. Helpful Products Helpful Products Our website is supported by our users. This site contains links to an affiliate website. We receive a small affiliate commission for any purchases you make on the affiliate website using such links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Stuttgart FAQ Favorite Stuttgart FAQ Favorite Stuttgart FAQ Favorite Stuttgart FAQ Favorite
- Laundry | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page Clothing Care Symbols Washing Machines Dryers Dryer Translations Laundry 1 Laundry 2 Laundry 3 Laundry 4 Laundry 5 Laundry Laundry is a necessary task that everyone has to tackle at some point. However, while the basics of washing clothes may be the same worldwide, there are some differences in how laundry is done in Europe compared to other parts of the world. Here are a few things to know about laundry in Germany: Washing machines are common: In Germany, it is very common for households to have a washing machine. Drying clothes is different: In many parts of Germany, it is common to dry clothes on a clothesline or drying rack rather than using a dryer. This is ofte n due to the cost of electricity and the desire to save energy. However, if you have a dryer, it will likely be a condensation dryer; more on this below. Laundry care symbols must be used on all clothing sold in Europe. Overall, doing laundry in Germany is not much different than in other parts of Europe. Just be prepared to hang your clothes up to dry and pay attention to the care instructions on clothing labels. Happy laundering! Navigate to Clothing Care Laundry symbols on clothing labels give instructions on how to care for your garments and other household items. Learn what these symbols mean below. Read More Washing Machines Washing machine knowledge at your fingertips: translations, cleaning, and everything else you need to know. Read More Dryers Master your German dryer with our comprehensive symbols guide, translations, and more. Read More Clothing Care Symbols Clothing Care Symbols Laundry symbols instruct how to care for clothing and other household items. These symbols can be found on labels attached to the item and provide information on how to wash, dry, and iron the item. By following these symbols, you can ensure that your clothes and other household items are properly cared for and stay in good condition. Navigate to Washing View More Bleaching View More Drying View More Ironing View More Dry Cleaning View More Washing Care Symbols Wash Wash using a normal cycle. Wash Temperature Maximum water temperature in celsius at which the item can be washed. Washing Gentle Wash cycle should have a reduced temperature rinse and reduced spin cycle. Washing Delicate Use gentle cycle for items of clothing that could be damaged by a vigorous washing. Hand Wash Wash garment in a sink or small tub, using a mild detergent. Do Not Wash Item needs to be dry cleaned. Bleaching Care Symbols Bleach Bleach may be used when needed. Non-Chlorine Bleach Use only non-chlorine bleaches. (i.e. Bleach for colors) Do Not Bleach Item should not be bleached. Drying Care Symbols Tumble Dry Tumble dry on normal cycle. Tumble Dry Low Tumble dry on lowest heat. Tumble Dry Medium Tumble dry on medium heat. Tumble Dry High Tumble dry on high heat. Do Not Tumble Dry Do not tumble dry, air dry only. Ironing Care Symbols Iron Item may be ironed. Iron Low Heat Iron on lowest possible heat. Maximum 110ºC Iron Medium Heat Iron using medium heat. Maximum 150ºC Iron High Heat Iron using high heat. Maximum 200ºC Do Not Iron Do not iron item. Dry Cleaning Care Symbols Dry Clean Only Item must be professionally cleaned. Dry Clean Dry clean only with PCE (Perchloroethylene). Gentle Dry Clean Gentle dry clean only with PCE (Perchloroethylene). Wet Clean Item should be professionally cleaned using the wet method. Gentle Process Wet Item should be professionally cleaned gently using wet method. Extra Gentle Wet Item should be professionally cleaned very gently using the wet method. No wet Clean Item should be professionally cleaned using the dry method. Dry Clean Petroleum Item should be professionally cleaned using a petroleum solvent. Dry Clean Delicate Petroleum Item should be professionally cleaned gently using a petroleum solvent. Do Not Dry Clean Item should not be dry cleaned. Washing Machines One significant difference is the type of washing machine most popular in each country. In Germany, front-loading washing machines are the most common type, while top-loading washing machines are more prevalent in the United States. Front-loading washing machines are known for their high performance, low energy consumption, and gentle wash cycles, making them ideal for caring for delicate fabrics. You may find you are a little confused by the care symbols and wash cycles. While these symbols and cycles are designed to help you properly care for your clothes and household items, they can be intimidating if you are unfamiliar with them. But don't worry – with our helpful guide below, you can become a pro at understanding and using German washing machine symbols and care cycles. Navigate to Detergent Drawer View More Translations View More Water Temperature View More User Manuals View More Washing Machine Symbols View More Helpful Products View More Decalcifying Washing Machine View More Washing Machines Washing Care Bleaching Care Drying Care Ironing Care Dry Cleaning Care Compartimentos de distribuição de gaveta de detergente 1 3 2 1 2 3 Lavagem Principal: Detergente em Pó ou Líquido Amaciante de roupas Pré-lavagem: B lixívia ou agentes de remoção de manchas Não use sabão em pó americano em uma máquina de lavar européia. Quase todos os detergentes fabricados nos Estados Unidos são formulados para lavadoras de alta eficiência que usam menos água, usar este sabão em uma máquina de lavar Europen causará espuma em excesso que pode danificar os componentes eletrônicos do aparelho. Conversão de temperatura da água Celsius 30 40 60 90 Fahrenheit 86 104 140 194 Configurações comuns do programa de lavagem e mais Aus Off Spülen Plus/Extra Spülen Rinse Plus Additional rinse cycle with more water for areas with very soft water Schnell/Mix/Mischwäsche Fast/Mix/Mixed Laundry Fast washing, mixed textiles U/Min (Umdrehungen pro Minute) Rotations per Minute Spin Speed Vorwäsch Pre-wash Pre-wash cycle at a low temperature before the main wash cycle Eco/Eco Perfect Energy-Optimization Saves energy with the same washing outcome Fertig In Finished In Indicates the cycle time remaining Abpumpen To Pump Out Drains all water out before moving the machine or after cycle stopped during the rinse phase (set spin rotation to "0") Kalt Cold Uses only cold water Knitterschutz/Leichtbügeln Anti-Crease/Light Ironing Reduces wrinkles Uses only cold water Kunstfaser oder Max Load Synthetics or Max Load Clothing made of synthetic fibers or cotton/synthetic blend Start/Nachlegen Start/Pause Pauses the cycle to add more clothing and resumes (starts) the cycle. Show More Decalcifying Your Washing Machine É melhor descalcificar a máquina de lavar a cada três a seis meses. Descalcificar sua máquina de lavar é fácil usando produtos domésticos comuns ou descalcificador comercial ( Maschine Entklaker ). Defina a temperatura da água para pelo menos 60˚C com qualquer um dos métodos. Como descalcificar com vinagre branco e bicarbonato de sódio 1. Pulverize o tambor da máquina de lavar com vinagre branco. Limpe o tambor com um pano de microfibra. 2. Limpe as juntas de borracha da porta. 3. Despeje duas xícaras de vinagre branco destilado no compartimento de detergente. 4. Configure a lavadora para funcionar em seu ciclo mais longo em sua temperatura mais alta. 5. Adicione 1/2 xícara de bicarbonato de sódio diretamente no tambor. Ligue a máquina de lavar novamente. 6. Deixe a porta aberta para permitir que a máquina seque. Traduções English Bleach Fabric Softener Laundry Detergent Washing Machine alemão Kondenstrockner Trockenständer Wäschetrockner Trocknertuch Bügeleisen Bügelbrett * A coloração do texto indica o gênero do artigo der / morrer / das / morrer Detergent Drawer Water Temperature Washing Machine Symbols Decalcifying Washing Machine Washer Translations Um excelente recurso para manuais do usuário em inglês pode ser encontrado aqui . Manuais do usuário em inglês Washer User Manuals Este site contém links para sites afiliados e recebemos uma comissão de afiliado por todas as compras feitas por você no site afiliado usando esses links. Manuais do usuário em inglês Stuttgart FAQ Favorite Helpful Washer Products Dryers Dryers Na Europa, os secadores de condensador (condensação) sem ventilação são mais comuns do que os secadores com grande ventilação usados nos Estados Unidos. Os secadores de condensação são menores, não precisam de ventilação especial e são mais eficientes em termos de energia. No entanto, os secadores de condensador não esquentam tanto e podem demorar mais para secar as roupas. As roupas de secagem ao ar podem ser mais rápidas e muito mais econômicas. No início, isso pode parecer complicado, mas se tornará uma segunda natureza depois de um mês ou mais. As roupas mantêm sua forma e cor por muito mais tempo com a secagem pendurada. Navigate to Air Drying Clothing View More Translations View More Condensation Dryers View More User Manuals View More Dryer Symbols View More Helpful Products View More Air Drying Clothing Air drying your clothing is a simple and eco-friendly way to dry your laundry. Not only does it save energy and money on your energy bill, but it also helps extend the life of your clothing by avoiding the heat and tumbling of a dryer. You'll need a clothesline or drying rack to air dry your clothing. If you don't have an outdoor space or access to a clothesline, you can also use indoor drying racks or hang your clothes on hangers and place them near a window or other airy spot. When hanging your clothes to air dry, it's important to avoid overcrowding the clothesline or drying rack. This will allow proper airflow and help your clothes dry faster. Separating your clothes by weight and fabric type is also a good idea, as some materials will dry more quickly than others. For example, cotton and linen tend to dry faster than synthetic materials like polyester. To get the most out of air drying your clothing, try to hang your clothes in a sunny spot. The natural heat and UV rays from the sun can help speed up the drying process and leave your clothes with a fresh, outdoor scent. Air drying your clothes is a simple and eco-friendly way to do your laundry. It's a great alternative to using a dryer and can help extend the life of your clothing. Air Drying Clothing Condensation Dryers Como funcionam os secadores de condensação? Crédito: BSH Home Appliances Connection & Review.com 1 O ar ambiente (frio) entra na secadora. 2. O ar ambiente entra no trocador de calor e é aquecido. 3. O ar ambiente (quente e seco) sai do trocador de calor. 4 O ar do processo (aquecido) entra no tambor para absorver a umidade e a carga seca. 5. O processo (úmido) entra no trocador de calor, é resfriado liberando umidade. 6. O ar do processo (seco) sai do trocador de calor. 7. O ar do processo entra no aquecedor e é aquecido. Drene . A água é coletada e bombeada para o dreno. Dryer Symbols Símbolos Comuns de Secador Dryer Settings & Programs Baumwolle Cotton Cotton laundry, bed linen, towels, & underwear Kunstfaser Synthetics Clothing made of synthetic fibers or cotton/synthetic blend Mischgewebe Mixed Fibers Cotton, linen, & mixed fibers Seide Silk Silk Items Woole Wool Wool items including hand-wash wool items Bettdecke Duvet/Blanket Duvets, comforters & blankets Show More Indicator Lamps O tanque de água está cheio. Life Hack: Use a água para limpar o chão. Needs Emptied O tanque de água está cheio. Life Hack: Use a água para limpar o chão. Needs Cleaned O tanque de água está cheio. Life Hack: Use a água para limpar o chão. Needs Emptied O tanque de água está cheio. Life Hack: Use a água para limpar o chão. Needs Emptied Dryer Translations Traduções inglês Secador de Condensador Rack de Secagem Secador Folha Secadora Ferro Tabua de passar alemão Kondenstrockner Trockenständer Wäschetrockner Trocknertuch Bügeleisen Bügelbrett * A coloração do texto indica o gênero do artigo der / morrer / das / morrer Dryer User Manuals Manuais do usuário em inglês Um excelente recurso para manuais do usuário em inglês pode ser encontrado aqui . Helpful Dryer Products Este site contém links para sites afiliados e recebemos uma comissão de afiliado por todas as compras feitas por você no site afiliado usando esses links. Manuais do usuário em inglês Stuttgart FAQ Favorite
- Pharmacies | Stuttgart FAQ
Pharmacies In Germany, pharmacies (Apotheke) sell a wide range of products, including: Prescription medicines - medications that can only be dispensed with a valid prescription from a doctor. Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, such as painkillers, cough and cold remedies, and allergy medication, can be bought without a prescription. Health and wellness products - including vitamins, supplements, probiotics, and herbal remedies. Skincare and beauty products - including moisturizers, cleansers, and sunscreen. First aid supplies - including bandages, gauze, antiseptics, and wound dressings. Medical devices include blood pressure monitors, thermometers, and diabetes testing supplies. It's worth noting that some medications available over-the-counter in other countries may require a prescription in Germany, so it's always a good idea to check with a pharmacist. Additionally, prices for pharmaceuticals in Germany are regulated by law so that prices will be consistent across different pharmacies. After-Hours Emergency Pharmacies In Germany, pharmacies that offer emergency services outside of regular business hours are known as "Notdienst" pharmacies. These pharmacies must provide 24-hour emergency services on weekends and public holidays. To find the nearest emergency pharmacy in Germany, you can use the following resources: Notdienstportal: This official government website provides a searchable database of emergency pharmacies in Germany, which can be filtered by city or postcode. Click on the picture below to take you directly to the database. 2. Apotheke vor Ort: This app is available for iOS (iPhone only) and Android and allows you to search for emergency pharmacies based on location. Medications aponet.de provides a searchable database of medications available in Germany. You can search by medication, disease, or symptoms. This database will give you information regarding the drug, including: If a prescription is needed or the drug is over-the-counter Uses Storage Dosage and instructions Contraindications Side effects And more Translations Most drugs worldwide have the same generic name, regardless of where they are sold. This means that if you know the generic name of your medication, you should be able to find it in another country. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, some countries may have brand names for specific drugs or use different dosages. It's always a good idea to double-check with a healthcare professional or a local pharmacist if you're unsure.
- Public Transportation | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page VVS/SSB Ticket Apps Important App Informatio Setting Up Your VVS/SSB Account VVS Network Line Ticket Types Paper Tickets Tariff Zones More Train Information Public Transportation from the USA Bases Public Transportation 1 Public Transportation 2 Public Transportation 3 Public Transportation 4 Public Transportation 5 Public Transportation 6 Public Transportation 7 Transporte Público Locomovendo-se em Stuttgart O sistema de transporte público de Stuttgart é fantástico, limpo e seguro! O sistema de trem e ônibus é simples de navegar. Parece confuso no início, mas em nenhum momento você será profissional na leitura do mapa. Essa habilidade será útil para navegar em transporte público em outras cidades europeias. O Google Maps ajudará você a identificar paradas para comprar passagens no aplicativo VVS. Navigate to VVS/SSB APP Navigate the differences between the apps, important information to know about using the apps and how to set up your account. Read More Regional Trains Learn about using DB and Flix for your regional travel needs. Read More Paper Tickets How to purchase paper tickets, validation, tariff zones, and more. Read More Bikes on Trains Navigate the ins and outs of taking your bike on the train. Read More Ticket Types Learn about all the ticket types available for purchase. Read More From the Bases Need to get to and from the USA bases? Stuttgart FAQ has compiled this information for you in one spot. Read More VVS/SSB Ticket Apps VVS Network Line VVS / SSB Ticket App O aplicativo VVS ou SSB simplifica o planejamento de sua viagem e a compra de passagens de trem. Não se preocupe em perder seu ingresso ou ter que validá-lo. VVS vs. SSB Abaixo estão as instruções passo a passo para estabelecer uma conta no VVS ou SSB. As fotos são do aplicativo VVS, mas são quase idênticas ao aplicativo SSB. O aplicativo SSB oferece Paypal como forma de pagamento. O aplicativo VVS não. O aplicativo SSB parece funcionar melhor para usuários de iPhone. Baixe o aplicativo Important App Information Important information to know about using the VVS or SSSB app. No Account Sharing Every person must have their OWN account in their name when traveling alone. Traveling Together When traveling together, an adult may buy tickets on their account for all accompanying travelers. 5% Discount Save Money Purchasing tickets through the App you receive a 5% discount. Under 18 Teenagers/Children A compra de ingressos pelo App recebe desconto. Sem compartilhamento de conta. Todo adulto deve ter sua PRÓPRIA conta em seu nome quando viajar sozinho ! Ao viajar junto, um adulto pode comprar passagens por sua conta para todos os viajantes que o acompanham. Adolescentes / crianças Crianças de 6 a 14 anos devem ter uma passagem impressa quando viajarem sem um adulto. Crianças menores de 18 anos não podem usar bilhetes móveis quando se viaja sozinho ou sem um adulto. NÃO configure uma conta para uma criança menor de 18 anos no aplicativo com informações de um adulto para ela usar. Receberão multa por não possuírem passagem válida. O motivo pelo qual eles não podem usar o aplicativo é devido a uma regulamentação alemã sobre a proteção de crianças; portanto, qualquer pessoa com menos de 18 anos não pode consentir com cobranças por compras feitas na internet. Os adolescentes que viajam sozinhos devem baixar o App como recurso para encontrar rotas e saber quantas zonas comprar na máquina de bilhetes. Setting Up Your VVS or SSB Account The pictures are from the VVS app, but the SSB setup is identical. Passo 1 Clique nas três (3) barras na parte superior da tela, no canto esquerdo Setting Up Your VVS/SSB Account Important App Informatio VVS Network Line The VVS rail map looks confusing initially, but it is straightforward. Every line has its color. Just follow the colored line for your train. Ticket Types Ticket Types Ingressos de ida e um dia Navigate through the slide show to learn about the available ticket types for the day and one-way. Ingressos semanais e mensais Are you a frequent user of the train and bus system? Navigate through the slide show to learn about how to save money with weekly and monthly ticket options. Para obter informações sobre os preços anuais, para estudantes, atuais e outros bilhetes especiais visite o site da VVS. Paper Tickets Validação de Ingresso Para validar o seu bilhete em papel, insira-o na ranhura da caixa amarela. Você encontrará as caixas de validação perto da máquina de bilhetes, ou no topo das escadas rolantes em uma parada de S-Bahn, para o U-Bahn ou ônibus, a localização é perto de portas de trem ou ônibus. Viajar sem um bilhete válido ou não validar um bilhete resultará em multa se verificado. As multas devem ser pagas imediatamente em dinheiro. Tariff Zones A compra de passagens exigirá que você saiba o número de zonas pelas quais planeja viajar. Usar o aplicativo simplifica a localização das zonas. Paper Tickets Tariff Zones More Train Information Public Transportation from the USA Bases More Train Information Regional Trains Need information about train travel outside of the Stuttgart area? Read More Bikes on Trains Want to take your bike on the train or bus, but don't know the rules? Stuttgart FAQ has you covered. Read More Transporte público das bases americanas Kelley Barracks Read More Panzer Kaserne Read More Patch Barracks Read More Robinson Barracks Read More
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